Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Swine Flu : A Pandemic Disease

Today world is experiencing Swine flu or H1N1 influenza and almost everyday this virus is spreading worldwide.This is of course not a good sign.Like a normal human being we worry about our health and our family's health.This is very important that we should know in and out about this desease.Here is the overview on swine flu,What is swine flu,symptons,treatment,prevention tips etc.
So lets begin...

What is Swine Flu(or H1N1 Flu):

Like name itself reveals pig influenza ,normally pigs gets affected by this virus and its pandemic.So "Swine" refers to Pig,Hogs and Boars and meaning of flu is influenza.Now one question is arising then what is H1N1?H1N1 is the name of the virus which is spreading in human being.
History Of Swine Flu Pandemic :

Swine flu virus pandemic first time came into the picture as a human being pandemic in 1918 when pigs got sick because of this virus and at the same time as human.In 1930 medical science confirmed thats this is influenza virus which is develop in pigs.

Symptoms :

Normally swine influenza viruses don't spread in human being but occasionally it happens.If person is happened to be in touch with swine flu virus infected pigs.In human H1N1 virus can create almost same symptoms like normal flu do.
->Body ache
->Sore Throat

Sometimes vomiting and diarrhea can be the symptioms.

Prevention :

Right now there is no such vaccine to combat this virus but we can take some antiviral medicines to prevent and treat swine flu.
There are certain prevention can be helpful to prevent this pandemic.

->Wash your hands often with soap and water specially when you sneeze ,cough and before you eat something.
->Use alcohol gel products to wash your hands.
->Cover you nose or mouth with tissue papers when you sneeze or cough and trashed it out once u used it.
->Do not have close contact with sick people - it doesn't mean that you totally avoid them.Just keep little distance or use mouth mask before you have to touch them closely.
->Void touching your nose,eyes and mouth often.
->stay at home.

Here is the video about Swine Flu and Prevention:

Please Check it out Swine Flu Tutorial:


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